This morning was the start of my first week back after Easter and my chance to properly get back to work in preparation for hand in in 49 days time!
In the morning we had a briefing based upon our hand in and all the dealines that happen between now and then and post hand in...
8th May - exhibition proposal hand in.
22nd May - feedback on exhibition proposal.
29th May - ba8 hand in at 4pm.
1/2nd June - assessment presentations.
8th June - hang show.
12th June - finish hanging show.
1/3rd July - exhibition.
The key to this is PLANNING!!!!
49 days is not a lot of time and during the presentation I was getting a little concerned about the amount of work that I have actually completed so far, and because of the change in focus of the project, to make sure that I still focus on textiles production. As a result of this I haven't got too much work done, everything is a little chaotic, but one of the tutors said that he thinks that you could complete the whole 3 years worth of work into the rest of the time we have left, I just need to do lots and lots work, making sure everything is focused and related. I need to move away from the lesson planning and focus on the creation of textile related work, especially over the next couple of weeks, to boost my work content.
Not long after the end of the briefing, I had an individual tutorial. The tutor I had could see that I was a little down heartened after the Easter break and that I didn't have much motivation, so she helped me formulate a plan to get the most out of the time I have left. She was a visiting tutor, but she helps to mark our projects so she knows what they look for when they are marking and I left the tutorial with a clear plan of where I was heading and how it would relate to the learning outcomes. This will make my work a lot more focused and help me make the most of the time I have left.
The plan focuses on the creation of lots of sketchbooks in a short amount of time, starting with primary research, sketching, drawing, designing and sampling. Repeating this process to show a continued development in ideas over a short amount of time. I aim to get two mini projects done in this form by the end of the project.
After the tutorial today I feel a lot more focused on what I am doing and where I am heading, starting with the creation of a collection of images in a sketchbook, which will inform my drawing, giving me more to play with. I managed to finish one of these sketchbooks today, so I can start sketching tomorrow, with just pen, pencil and charcoal onto preprinted pages to experiment with colour.