Friday, 17 April 2015

Friday 17th April 2015

Today, I took a day out of my normal work, and took some time to help out at a local primary school, which I try to complete weekly. The aim of this is to give myself some time out but to also to help prepare myself for next when I hope I shall be going into primary school teaching. 

In the morning I assisted in helping the children to write some descriptive facts on characters from the story Owl Babies. There was a variety of different activities based upon ability, but the children I was working with were given three subheadings; behaviour, appearance and other, looking to write three sentences under each heading to describe the Owl chicks in the story. I enjoyed this task as I had my own group of children to oversea and felt like I was really helping the children. 

After playtime, I was set a task to get each child in the class to create their own paper pot out of newspaper and a kitchen roll tube. The children rolled a piece of paper round the tube, after having first folded it in half, before folding down one of the ends and twisting it off the tube. I enjoy these kind of activities as they are more hands on, and are a good way of getting the children to recycle and make a vast number very cheaply. 

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