Friday, 17 January 2014

17th January 2014 - 'Zine' workshop

17th January 2014 - 'Zine' Workshop

Today's workshop was based on the creation on a 'ZINE'. A zine is a small, but focused magazine format which is often used in the art and design world as its cleverly thought out layout is an important part of its build up. The word 'ZINE' stands for a shorted version of the word magazine, hinting at a shortened version of the standard publishing format. Zines are not only big in the art world. They are also a common part of everyday publishing as a format of publishing which are not usually focused on creating profits, they are more focused on displaying or portraying something.

Dictionary definition... "a small magazine that is written by people who are not professional writers and that usually has stories about a particular subject."

as part of the workshop, learning about the published format, we learnt about how to create our own zines. Based on our current project, we need to create a zine based on a mini version of our sketchbook development for hand in. this will take the reader through a short and deice version of our work, moving from starting ideas to colour scheme, drawing, experimentation and research.

I really liked this form of work, it gives us a chance to select our work which we think has been most successful and present it in a visually pleasing way. I am looking forward to building on the basis I started to create in the workshop.

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