Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Wednesday 25th February 2015

Following my ideas yesterday, thinking more in-depth about the practicalities for the exhibition, I have spent the day again working on my exhibition for next Monday.

Yesterday in reflection I said...
I think that my exhibition work is going well, I just need to reconsider how it comes together. I know what I want to do, I just need to think about the practicalities. For example, my intention was to découpage the dinosaur with images of the children working in school, but obviously for child protection issues, that can't happen.
This has got me thinking about what I am doing in more depth.

I really like the rawness of the wire-worked form, but cannot just display a heap of wire. As I cannot decoupage my sculpture with photos like I had planned, which is quite good in a way, because I do not think that uni would have appreciated this, because they want to make sure that I use textile techniques, obviously, in the creation of my work, so not only is easier to work, but also relates more to the learning outcomes. For this reason, I have decided to put my textile techniques to good use, using constructed techniques to add to my sculpture rather than more simple decoupage. This will give me the opportunity to relate my work more closely to the learning outcomes, but also allow the opportunity for me to involve the children. The techniques I aim to use include... pom poms, weaving ,wrapping and tie dying, all used together to create a very fun and colourful exhibition, which shows of what I am about!

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Tuesday 24th February 2015

Today, my work was very much focused around the creation of my work to the exhibition which stars next Monday, as I feel most of the week will be. I am looking forward to having some real fun creating my pieces this week, but I looking forward to getting back to creating some more of my project based work and my sketchbook.

I started the creation of my dinosaur sculpture today, using chicken wire to make the basic dinosaur shape. I chose to use the dinosaur shape because, at the school I have been working at on a Friday, this is the topic they have most recently been doing, so is the focus of a good chunk of my lesson planning. I thought this would tie in well to the teaching theme, relating it to my research into the curriculum and my experience in the primary school. The focus of the exhibition for me is not to sell my work or to get recognition, but to just show everyone what I have been doing. I have been looking into a very different area of textiles and want to show everyone, especially my tutors, that my work is relevant to my degree and that I am having so much fun making and creating. For this reason, I decided that the only way forward was to create an actual piece of playful art, in conjunction with the children at my local primary school.

My work with wire in the last project really helped me in the creation of the basic shape of the dinosaur, a Diplodocus, bend to the chicken wire into shape and using spare wire to wind and attach pieces or sections together. I really like the finished wire-work, I am really please of how it looks. 

I have not been able to attach the head and tail quite yet because I need to consider a little more about how I am going to actually get it from my house to uni. If I us the train, it will need to be constructed on-site at the exhibition set up.

I think that my exhibition work is going well, I just need to reconsider how it comes together. I know what I want to do, I just need to think about the practicalities. For example, my intention was to découpage the dinosaur with images of the children working in school, but obviously for child protection issues, that can't happen.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Monday 23rd February 2015

As I had most of the day to myself an only 1 full week until my mid year exhibition, I set about getting lots of work done. I pre-wrote out a post it note of all the things I wanted to get down during the day and had a very successful day!

One of the main things to get done was a draft label for the exhibition which had to be completed and handed in by 12:30. I found this quite difficult, because my exhibition piece, is more of an educational based piece and is definitely not commercial, so will not be for sale. Fro this reason I have not included a price, this is not the aim of the exhibition, I just want to use it as a milestone to complete work for, but also as somewhere where I can show everyone my work, although very different to everyone else, is still relevant to the exhibition. I also did not attach what materials I used to create the piece, this is because I have not actually focused what I am making yet, I have a good idea, I just don't quite know how it will come together in the end.

My draft label...

Transferring Textiles
Nathan Mison

Making and creating fascinates me and I love to process of learning and developing new skills which allow me to experiment and have fun. Over the past three years at university I have been exploring technique and trying to find my feet, and want to pass on what I have learnt. Craft based textiles is a dying process and is an invaluable part of the textile industry promoting individualism. There are many ways to keep this industry going, but passing on techniques and skills are key to keeping traditional craft alive.

The focus behind this work is transferring textiles knowledge and skills into the school environment, integrating it into the curriculum and using it as a teaching aid. This way, I am passing on my technique knowledge as well as planning more kinaesthetic lessons which are more engaging. 

Also, As part of my work today, I set up another blog site...
This will be the website, where I drip feed my lesson plans, so they are available to the masses. The idea behind the project is to promote the use of craft and textiles in teaching, so like everyone else, I need to promote my work. Making my plans available to anyone will hopefully mean that people will be inspired to experiment a little more based in my own work. Well, that's the plan!

As usual, I did do a little more drawing and some more planning, but i suppose the major part of the day, the key focus was on the creation of my work for the exhibition. Obviously this is quite important. I set about today, creating the basic chicken wire frame for my dinosaur sculpture. The plan for this is it will be the focal point of my work, covered in the children's work. Well, that was the plan, but after a little thinking, rather obviously, I won't be able to take the children's work and glue it all over my dinosaur!! I did think about changing the idea slightly, using images of the children's work and them working, but I have now altered my plan further, so I can involve the children more, experimenting with the addition of constructed textile to the basic framework to make the dinosaur more colourful and bold.

I am not sure, with all my other avenues of digital presence whether I shall be posting on here as often as I have been, we will have to wait and see.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Sunday 22nd February 2015

Again today, I set about sorting myself out again. I have lots of ideas in my head and started, but I need to try to finish as much as I can. I have gone through my folder based upon primary school lesson planning putting post it notes in the plans that I have to add more to, therefore I know where to begin when I pick my work up again :)

As you can see I have quite a few of them!

As well as beginning to tidy up and finish some more of my lesson plans, I did quite a few other bits a pieces started...

I started up a new blog, where I aim to post some of my lesson plans, to pass on the work that I have done to help others. This is key as the whole idea behind my work is a passing on, a sharing of ideas and values so this is another way of doing this. blog address...

I also picked up my sketchbook work again. It is important that I continue to complete my own work as well as my lesson planning so that there is a definite link to the learning outcomes and my work is still relevant. I want to do a little bit of this everyday, to give myself something different to do other than my lesson planning.

I have also created my timetable plan for the week ahead...

Sketchbook work
Sketchbook work
Sketchbook work
Sketchbook work
Sketchbook work
Sketchbook work
Lesson Planning
Lesson Planning
Sketchbook work
Lesson Planning
Lesson Planning
Sketchbook work
Lesson Planning
Lesson Planning
Lesson Planning
Lesson Planning
Lesson Planning
Sample creation
Sketchbook work
Lesson Planning
Sample creation
Lesson Planning
Sketchbook work
Lesson Planning
Lesson Planning
Catch up on blogging
Making Samples
Lesson Planning
Making Samples
Making Samples
Catch up on blogging
Making Samples
Plan for next week

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Satuday 21st February 2015

After work today, I set about sitting down and sorting out what I am actually doing at the moment. I have had a lot going on and have definitely not been doing as much work as I could have. I have not been so efficient, but I have still been doing work, getting stuff done and coping.

The balance is there, I just need to re-jig it a little more so it is more focused, get the balance a little  more balanced! :P

I sat down and went through everything!! I have lots and lots of things going on in my head at the moment, lots of bits and pieces of uni work, and I know that I don't work well with everything everywhere, so I went through everything and sorted it all out, writing lots of post it notes!

This has made everything a lot clearer and has actually helped make me feel a lot better about my work. I actually have a lot more than I thought, Just need to sort out what I have! And get on with some sketchbook drawings!!

Time to start working more from tomorrow!!!!!

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Mid Term Review, Health and Safety Form

Norwich University of the Arts

Student guidance note for the displaying of work

1.   Introduction

It is important that you plan for the installation of your work early in your planning phase.

It is necessary for the Estates/Health & Safety team to understand what you wish to do so that we can advise how this can be done safely and to assist you in this part of your work; in order to avoid disappointment or delay.

Please work through the following questions, discuss this with your tutor and consult with us.
2.   Brief description of what you intend to do:

My hope is that this through this exhibition is that I will show, without being too obvious, the link to teaching textiles and how this has affected my own practice. I intend to layout my exhibition using a few different pieces; a sculpture decoupage with the children’s work measuring about two metre in length and a metre in height, a few lesson plans and a sample of my own practice, a piece of fabric displayed on the wall behind the sculpture, measuring about 1.5m squared with the lesson plans down either side, all attached to the wall with tacks. The sculpture will stand on a plinth, approximately one metre in height and length, against the wall with two lines of lesson plans down each side and my work in the centre. This exhibition will be vibrant and colourful to reflect art in schools and should be 2.5m in width.

Student: Nathan Mison (1200090)        Course: Ba Textiles       
Proposed date: 2/3/15 – 6/3/15         Course leader: Nicholas Rodgers

3.   Questions

Is the work?

What will you need?
Estates/Health & Safety
Approx weight?

Large and bulky.

How? Length? Fixings?

Require fixing to walls/ceiling.
Hammer to tack the pieces to the wall.

Electrically powered.
(Read Procedure HS019 Electrical Safety)

Involve water or

In low light

Involve items from
outside the University. Living items? Possibility of

Likely to obstruct

Guidance Note 001
Version 4
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Is the work?

What will you need?
Estates/Health & Safety
Require display site construction.

Delicate and/or

Possibility of
hazardous material
eg sharps, broken glass

Stable and safe to leave unattended.

Hot or cold.

Using expensive items.

Required to be disassembled and


Please specify

4.   Installation plan agreed with Estates/Health & Safety

Estates/Health & Safety Signature: Course Leader Signature:

Guidance Note 001
Version 4
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