Name Nathan Mison
NUA email:
This is a voluntary opportunity. Do you want to exhibit?
please fill in as relevant
Please outline the idea and content of your proposal – you
need to include size, colours, materials, how the work will be fixed, space
(100 words max):
My hope is that this shall show, without being too
obvious, the link to teaching textiles and how this has affected my own
practice. I intend to layout my exhibition using a few different pieces; a
sculpture decoupage with the children’s work, a few lesson plans and a sample
of my own practice. The sculpture will stand on a plinth, against the wall with
two lines of lesson plans down each side and my work in the centre. This
exhibition will be vibrant and colourful to reflect art in schools and should
be 2.5m in width.
Create a drawing of your proposal convert it to a jpeg and Insert
it into this document
here. ->
Which space do you think is best suited to your work? Please indicate with a cross your preferred
site on the plan below.
If your work has specific needs the reasoning for your choice
is required in the outline above.
No specific placing as such, a flat wall space would be
preferable. Would
like a plinth as well 1m x 1m preferable.
Does the exhibition/project require any special technical
assistance (eg heavy lifting, electrical installation requirements), or pose
any significant health and safety concerns? If yes, please contact Robert
Wilkinson, Health and Safety officer.
Send completed form Saved as a word doc 1997 - 2003 and
post to VLE in the specific location in
unit 8 - deadline 10.30 on 06 02 2015
The exhibition will be selected and curated by the staff
team with the support of a team of year 1 students – this form is to support
this process but does not mean that you will be exhibiting or that you will
show the work you propose.
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