I did, obviously get some work done, just not as much as I would like to have done considering I have now had two full free days off uni!!! So annoying! My plan for the day was get get the lesson plans that I had already started finished. I had a good few of them on the go at once, and knew that if I did not sit down and get all the little bits finished, they would never be finished! I have now completed 7 primary lesson plans, and none for the other groups. Whilst I now know how much work goes into a lesson plan and how long it takes to plan them all out, I need to try to quicken the pace in order to get more done in the time I have left.
My aim for the rest of this week is to sit down, with what free time I have now, and finish the last two lesson plans I already have started for the primary learning and then move onto creating ideas for the secondary and adult learning as a priority. I think the key to doing this is just to fill every, single bit of spare time I have with uni work. So, my lunch break at school, or that awkward time before you decide to go to bed will have some work pushed into it to make my work more efficient. I know I am doing a lot at the moment, probably too much, but if I want to do well at uni I need to make sure I keep on top of this too!
On the upside, I did today manage to sort out my room, perhaps the reason why this post is more moany and reflective than others, because I feel more reenergised and more organised in myself. My head is clearer and my work is physically clearer and more easily found amonst my stuff 😊
Even though I am at school tomorrow during the day and am going out in the evening, I need to make sure I listen to my own advise, for once, and keep cramming uni into my life. I am not done with it yet!
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