Friday, 19 December 2014

Friday 19th December

Embedded image permalinkOn a Friday I take the day out to work in a Primary School to gain experience because I would like to someday become a primary school teacher. I will sometimes in my spare time on a Friday complete a little work, but today I took the whole day off university work.

In the new year I have an interview for a place on a teacher training course and in preparation for this which involves completing an activity for a group of children. I want to show off my creative skills, so want to make something which I can use for the activity. The activity is set to last only 10 minutes,so I need to show off as many of my skills as I can.

The activity will be based around me showing the children a special object. I shall make a fabric covered box, enclosing a paper mache egg. The activity will be based around creating a story for this magical egg.

Today, I set about creating the box and a dummy egg in preparation for a test of the activity, at a school I am currently helping out at. I loved getting my sewing machine out again and actually asking something!! I used lush, vibrant fabrics to give an inviting look to the box.

The tester actity with children went well and although they were a little hyper, it was the last day of term sooo, it went rather smoothly. Now I just need to create a paper mache egg in preparation for the real thing!

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