Saturday, 13 December 2014

Saturday 13th December

I have, although i am working this weekend to try to plow through and keep completing work for uni. I want to keep the momentum going because i am really enjoying myself. 

Although Ba7 did not go as planned, i did receive a great deal of useful feedback which i hope to begin applying to this project to help boost my grades. I want to see one of my tutors asap after we go back after Christmas, just to make sure i am on the right, but also to get some more feedback that i can bring into this monumentious project.

Key points from feedback and my reflection on this...

• organisation skills need to be considered. I think i am attacking that head on with my clear planning, which contrary to what the tutors might think, is meant to help me. In truth i am probably a little ocd in planning and lists and if that is what they are asking to see, i am more than happy to share that with them. This is very important to make sure i achieve better in Ba8.

• Need more engagement with the course. I have to admit that yes, this is again true, and i will hold my hands up and say that i definately understand the importance of coming into uni. I have shifted my working times to help me come in more often, but uni are going to have to accept that i have other things going on as well and with more trips in the plan than ever, missing uni is sometimes avoidable. But i have found it is easier than i may think to tailor days out to my learning and development and drawing trips are a must.

• More work is needed. I have to admit that i was a little shocked at this because i think that i done well getting all that i did done, but then i realised that we are in our final year and that the barriers have definitely been risen! Better planning will help introduce more structure into my work which will lead to a more focused development of work. This will lead to a more progressive development and will create more of a story/journey for both the project and myself.

• extend you research. Again planing planning and more planning. I have made research more evident by putting it into its own file and reflecting on it in my Pdp. My only hope is that when i comes to hand in, that my tutors do make the effort to read through my Pdp and see the evidence of this, it is important to my grade and behind all the waffle is reflection, its just the way i work!

•Deeper level of investigation. I have, for this project, developed a more structured approach, which will aid the quick turn over of work. I want to great a lot in a short amount of time, exploring knotted technique in depth to help with the next stage of the project. If i have a lot of work in the beginning stages, then when i comes to being selective in mg development, then i will have more ideas to work from and i wont run out of ideas or steam!

• Limited evidence of structure of the proposed report it does not follow the guidelines. Personally when reading through this, even now, i think it was a little harsh. I can understand where they are coming from and after speaking about this with one of my tutors, things are a bit clearer, but this didn't give me much to work with. I actually used the guidelines they produced to plan the writing in the first place and yes, research is limited and bibliography is small, that is because it is a draft and is only the first 1,000 words of a 4,000 word essay! I think the idea that they are trying to get across is that i need to make it clearer what i am writing. I think changing the title will help with this. I will complete as much as i can over this holiday and go back after Christmas to get their opinion again. Hopefully they might understand the approach i was taking better?

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