After my individual tutorial, I thought I have better decide on a specific title,so I can actually get on with my research! I feel that my research possible has not been as focused as I would like it, I would like to prove that I can do it, that I can create some respectable research of my, that I haven’t lost my research edge from sixth form!
“Does Mass Production and Recent Digital Advances Spell the Death of Handmade craft and Independant Production?”
This is my proposed question for my research report. Having come through a more academic background focusing more of sociological style of writing up research, I want to take this approach to my report. I aim to create a set of aims and outcomes, listing primary and secondary research to make everything a great deal clearer to me.
As a result of the style I want to write, I aim to look into attitudes and make my own observations as well as looking for statistics and journals etc to back up my research. I aim to collate as much research as possible in order to create a generalisable set of results.
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