Sunday, 5 October 2014

New beginnings, A Reflection

New beginnings, A Reflection of Ba6

During the last project of my second year at university I learnt a great deal about the textile industry and how I as a designer fit into it. I learnt more about myself as a textile designer and I am now beginning to recognise that a more free and flowing outlook will help me to get more out of my work and will allow me to progress and achieve better grades.
To get onto my teaching course after university I need to achieve at least a 2.2 in this, my final year, but I would like push myself with an aim at getting a 2.1.

In order to do this I must take these main thoughts from my last year into my work this year...

1. Use of stitch = strong, my strong method of working which I must develop further.
2. Good on-line presence, must maintain and develop this further, looking into a critical analysis of research.
3. Positive developments in studio practice and a starting understanding of the reflection process, must continue this and develop this to the next level in third year.

However, this year there are a few areas I need to look further into to help improve my degree grade...

- ESSAY WRITING... avoid sweeping statements, maintain formal language and proof read.
- SKETCHBOOK WORK... focus on development of each piece/idea, focus on stitch work.
- KEY IDEAS... develop skills, time management and increased time spent in workshops.

Although I understand the importance of reflection, looking back and reflecting on what you have achieved, using this to help improve the next project, I must stop being so critical of myself and the way I work. I need to allow my work to be more free flowing, just experiment and see where my ideas and developments take the course of my work.

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