L.O. 1
Demonstrate consistent knowledge and understanding of your subject area, making detailed reference to current and emerging practice.
IN OTHER WORDS.... Making sure that you engage in contemporary research which relates to your subject area. Key is the planning and development of research. Visits and exhibitions must be stated as evidence of engagement into your subject area. Research must be in-depth, not the first piece of research you come across on the internet.
L.O. 2
Identify issues or questions relevant to your subject and adopt established research methods, clear analysis and appropriate written and visual communication through a draft research report.
IN OTHER WORDS.... This must be clear in draft research report. Range of sources of research - library, internet etc. Keys are; PLANNING, LAYOUT, SPELLING and PICTURES for visual readers. Research must be analysed, breaking it down into a research file, break it down in stages - it will grow and shrink as research deepens. These will be referenced and established through HARVARD REFERENCING.
L.O. 3
Evidence a clear understanding of contextual, historical and ethical concepts using research material from a variety of sources relevant to your own practice.
IN OTHER WORDS.... This learning objective focuses on what you do with your research and it impacts you work. How does all you work link together? Gathering lots and lots of information, and making connections to your work. This information should be embedded into your work. Based on the context and sourcing of you work.
L.O. 4
Plan your learning, using a range of techniques, references and approaches appropriate to your subject.
IN OTHER WORDS.... Basically sitting and planning everything. Be clear and document everything. This is through PDP, Organisation and Photographing!
L.O. 5
Evaluate a diverse field of information and ideas in order to make informed judgements about appropriate questions and potential solutions to problems.
IN OTHER WORDS.... Research, research, research. Gathering information from a wide range of sources, and the ability to shrink it all down into one, single report. This means information must be read through and key points picked out to give the most appropriate information to your research report. Links between research and studio practice.
L.O. 6
Communicate creatively and appropriately to a variety of audiences using spoken word, text and images.
IN OTHER WORDS.... This learning outcome relates to the presentation of your work. Everything must be clear and relate to each other, to show a clear and progressive journey through the project stages moving into to development and sampling.
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