Thursday 14 May 2015

Thursday 14th May 2015

Today, I had another  day of uni work planned, with hardly any distractions. After my successful day yesterday, I felt ready to tackle my work head and accomplish a lot. 

Again, after yesterday, my plan was to continue with my netted sampling, working through my plan of samples to fill up my A3 wallet file with samples which show a development of ideas throughout the project, building up and experimenting. 

I had fun creating experimental samples which played with wire working and experimenting with knot structures. Instead of using the usual, common knot, I used a square knot to begin creating some samples. I was also able to begin dying some of my string I have been using, in order to transform my samples into more colourful pieces which reflected my bright and bold colour scheming efforts. 

As well as the knotted side of my work, I was also able today, to fix my sewing machine. After being broken for the last few days, i took it apart, gave it a clean and it was up and working again. This meant that I was also able to carry on with my stitched sampling, working through some experimental pattern creation from some earlier drawings of the ceiling at the Tate Modern. I hope to build on this further tomorrow, creating a much larger piece of stitched paper before hoping to translate into fabric. 

By the evening, I was exhausted!! But I carried on a began to start presenting all the samples I have been creating over the last couple of days. These will be accompanied with short annotations which will describe what ii have created, what I have used and how I could experiment further. My hope is that this will show some development of ideas, but also the idea of reflection, embedding it into my work, rather that making it a completely separate thing. 

Ideas for tomorrow...
Complete weave through netting and experiment with the addition of stitch.
Create the netted structure through stitching.
Carry on creating abstract shaping from polystyrene plates.
Presentation of sampling.
This is alongside my day at the primary school 😊 

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