I got back to doing some work today, focusing on getting my writing done. After the last couple of days over going over thing in my head, I think I have now decided what I want going to do and what I am going to focus on and the course of the project. I am really glad that I have finally got my head round everything, and if I am honest, it happened relatively quickly, usually taking a lot longer in previous projects.
I spent the rest of the day going through my Industry report, sorting out everything that we went through in our lecture in the week. I again changed the title and changed around some of the sentences so that I got rid of the questions, or as many as I could.
I now need to upload my work onto a word document so I can write the last little bit and add in images before I print it out and look over it again...
'Craft Guerilla', based in East London, is an example of a new idea which is hitting the craft industry. These are craft or art collectives, based on a group of artists/designers work together, alongside one another to help promote each other and develop a name for themselves together. Craft Guerilla is a maker led collective, working alongside artists and designers in the local community to produce and sell quality handmade goods. Together as a group, they are able to rent out unused spaces for craft fairs and events which promote each of the designers. This is more successful than a designer working on their own as there are more opportunities for a small group to have their own exhibitions. The collective is set up against mass production and shows that the craft industry is fighting back, " The Craft Guerrilla was born out of a shared idealism with regeneration, recycling, sharing of knowledge and the revaluation of the handmade movement at its heart " (REFERENCE). This group of artist/designers is not going to stand by and let large corporations take their market around them. Instead of adapting and changing to the globalisation, the collective focuses on handmade production and quality, two values key in craft production.
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