As I had planned yesterday I set about creating the example samples for my second Mondrian lesson plan aimed at primary school aged children. This involved using different objects to create a geometric print similar to Mondrian onto paper, before moving onto fabric paint and fabric. Once dry the fabric will be trimmed and bordered with a cut out shape of the child's choice. This went very well and in showing it to the teachers in my local primary school, they have said they are going to adapt their lesson planning for next year to bring my idea into their lesson plans!! I think the finished examples look really good and even if the children struggle with the object printing, the frame finishes of the work, creating pieces of beautiful art.
Having now fully completed two sets on primary school aimed lesson plans, I thought it about time that I turn my attention to the the other two age groups, as this is where textile practice and skills will become more obvious, so probably the sections the tutors will most approve of. I spend the evening trying to adapt the Mondrian theme, which aims to explore dying, machine stitching, appliqué and patchwork! I think, I may need to complete another set of lessons plan with an aim of teaching these skills more specifically either before or after this one is planned.
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